Sing joyfully

Words and Music by Matt MacGregor


Verse 1:
Our God is faithful,
His word with truth abounds.
The firm foundation:
In him is solid ground.
Whatever he decrees
Shall stand forever sure;
His sovereign purposes
To ages shall endure.

Sing joyfully,
Sing praises to our God.
There is no other name
Deserving such acclaim.
Sing out new songs,
Tell of our help and shield,
In him our hearts rejoice
and praise him with one voice.

Verse 2:
By his word all was made.
Light years of space, and time,
Wide seas and starry hosts,
Devised by pow’r sublime.
No plan the world conceives
Will topple God’s design.
Past, present, future,
Ordained by love divine.


Verse 3:
Our God is speaking,
Engaging hearts each day.
His word in history
His character displays.
It speaks of Jesus,
Where God spoke face to face;
Proclaiming pardoned sins
For those who trust his grace.


Based on Psalm 33
© 2016 Matt MacGregor
CCLI Song No. 7119639

Lyric Video:
