Kids and Families
We love our families and all those involved at StAG kids!
The good news of Jesus is for all of us, whatever our age. We run a full programme of activities to help children get to know Jesus better – all whilst having fun and making friends.
Safeguarding is a vital part of how we run our Children’s work at StAG as we ensure that children can flourish and be protected. Visit out safeguarding page to find out more.
Babies and toddlers
0 - 3s
Sunday Crèches
Available during the 9.45am service.
There is a room with toys, sound relay and view of the service at the 11.30am and 5.00pm, and a room for breastfeeding mums at all three services.
Our weekly group for babies, pre-school toddlers, and their parents and carers. Every Wednesday during school term in the St Andrew the Great building from 10-11.30am.
Pre-school and primary school-aged kids
3 - 11s
We have four groups for pre-school and primary-aged kids at our 9.45am service which meet during the school term.
Kids stay with us for the family-friendly start of the service, during which there is usually a children’s talk, then leave for their groups.
This spring, we’re continuing in John, learning about Jesus as he meets with people to offer them life, and seeing whether they respond by believing in him or rejecting him.
To register your children, please email
Dads’ Group
For dads of all ages, about once a month. Email for more information.
Upcoming events
Meet the team
David Masters
Children’s Worker
I look after the children’s groups at StAG, and love to see the children in our church family engaging with the good news about Jesus! Children’s work in our church is all about partnering with parents and carers to help our children trust in Jesus, through faithful and engaging teaching of the Bible. If you want to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.