Thank you so much for partnering with us
“Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendour, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.” 1 Chronicles 29:11
Our mission is to take the Gospel to Cambridge and send Gospel workers to the world – every penny we give goes towards making this mission possible. God has provided for our every need in Jesus, completely free of charge. So we want to be a generous church in response to this amazing love we’ve been shown.
APCM 2024: Click here to view our Financial Statement on the Charity Commission’s website, for the year ended 31 December 2023.
Gift Day 2024 (12th May): Each year, we have a Gift Day as a special opportunity to give one-off gifts, above and beyond our usual regular giving to the work here at StAG. In God’s kindness, it has been a wonderful opportunity as a congregation to get behind particular gospel projects, through times of abundance and stretch.
In 2024, the PCC chose three organisations to support: iServe Africa, the Gospel Partners Trust and the Matthew Ministry Trust.
To learn more about the three organisations we’re supporting, take a look at these videos:
How to give
The most helpful way to support Gospel work at Andrew the Great is to set up a standing order with your bank (details below).
Contactless payments can be made using the terminals at the back of church: there is a ‘Response Box’ at the back for cash and cheques.
One-off gift
You can also make one-off gifts by bank transfer.
Account name: St Andrew the Great Church
Account number: 00010307
Sort Code: 40-52-40
If you’re a UK tax payer, please Gift Aid your donation! This will increase the value of your gift by 25%. You can do this for any method of donation, by filling out the form below.
Gift Aid Declaration
Jesus Lane Trust
We are so thankful for the partnership of the Jesus Lane Trust (JLT). The JLT exists to advance the Christian gospel amongst students in Cambridge.
To find out more about how to support the JLT both through funding and prayer click here.