Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20, NIVUK
It’s useful for a church to have a vision statement: it gives focus to all our endeavour. This week our church council signed off a new one for our church. Its shape will be no surprise to church members, and captures the imperatives in these words of our Lord Jesus Christ, carved into stone on our baptistry.
Our vision for the church at St Andrew the Great
God’s vision for a local church: the display of His glory
God’s church displays His grace and wisdom in bringing people from death to life, into fellowship with Himself and one another, and to holy lives – obedient to His Word individually and as a church family. We seek to live to His glory, loving God and neighbour, under Jesus’ lordship.
In our particular context, we seek to be:
A church committed to proclaiming “the gospel to Cambridge”
People’s greatest need is reconciliation to God. Together we seek to proclaim Jesus as Lord and Saviour in a way that is clear and fully true to Scripture. Our church life is organised so that we can help each other grow as disciples and share the gospel in our area.
A church committed to supplying “gospel workers to the world”
Our unique location gives us a special opportunity, and responsibility, to serve God’s mission, locally, nationally and internationally. So we work to train and equip everyone to serve in the work of the gospel, whether voluntary or paid.
To these ends, we are committed to:
- The Bible as God’s inspired and sufficient instrument for proclaiming Jesus Christ and for building up His followers as mature disciples.
- Every member ministering the gospel, but some being set apart as pastor-teachers to prepare God’s people for works of service.
- Prayer, recognising that we are in a spiritual battle, in which we depend on our Sovereign God.
- The glad use of our time, money and gifts, as God’s Spirit has distributed them to each of us, for the sake of His church, and our mission.
- Investing in teaching, training and sending.
- Sacrifice in the service of others, including suffering for Jesus Christ.
- Supporting one another as a loving church family in all of this.
May the Lord keep us faithful to this vision!