
It can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to telling our friends about Jesus. These books should remind us why the Gospel is such Good News and give us confidence in speaking to friends.

Honest Evangelism

Rico Tice

This book challenged me to think about how evangelism is for every Christiaan, not just the “gifted evangelists”. It gives many reasons why it’s natural to want to talk to people about Jesus, and made me want to do it straight anyway. I especially enjoyed the section that talks about the different ways of having a conversation and how to play to your strengths. 

– Samuel Frith

The Life I Now Live

Joelle Kenny

One of the most encouraging books I’ve read for a while! Joelle is a present-day missionary in Cambodia. She’s so real about the coasts and joys of following Jesus and shares how God has been at work amidst the mess in her and others’ lives. Some missionary biographies leave me thinking ‘I could never be like them’; Joelle’s book left me thinking ‘God can use anyone in amazing ways!’

– Sarah Burkill



Devotional Books

The bookstall is full of devotionals to aid your Bible reading and warm your heart.  Take a look at our range of Explore notes and other resources.




The Cross Of Christ

John Scott

Sophisticated yet readable theology that shows how reading that seems hard work can be all the more heart warming. Helps us to reflect on how the biblical and historic teaching of the death of Jesus changes absolutely everything.

– Daniel Rignall





Can we Trust the Gospels?

Dr Peter Williams

An accessible, holistic overview of the textual evidence for the reliability of the four gospel accounts, wrapping rigorous historical research neatly in plain text. 

What I found most enlightening was the statistical analysis of recorded names, places, and cultural details, which Williams weaves together to make a compelling case that the four gospels could only have been written by real people who lived and walked with Jesus in 1st century Palestine. This book is very helpful for those who have heard the claim that the gospels are total fabrications, but don’t have the historical knowledge they need to evaluate the claim for themselves.

– Hope McGovern

Can Science Explain Everything?

John Lennox

This is a really easy read and a great introduction to how science and faith fit together. A good recommendation for anyone studying science at school or university! It’s also super accessible to a non-Christian asking questions about faith, so it’s definitely worth buying a copy to pass on to a friend

– Emma Nicholls

Hope In An Anxious World

Helen Thorne

We all experience low-level anxiety in our lives – at different times and in different ways, but how can we apply the bible to anxiety? And what can we do when our anxiety becomes completely overwhelming? 

This little book offers both practical help, and spiritual help!

– Cara Grant



Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus

Nabeel Qureshi

A gripping, heartbreaking enlightening story. A must-read for any interested in the interaction of Islam and Christianity

– Adam Penwright





Dig even Deeper

Andrew Sach & Rich Aldritt

Amazing Guid to Exodus! Teaches you how to use biblical analysis tools to understand the bigger picture

– Hong Liang Teoh




Plugged In

Dan Strange

Fresh, engaging, and incredibly easy to read. Dan Strange helps us see how our culture continually speaks to us and how we can harness its message to point people to Jesus.

– Xander Coomber




Dale Ralf Davis

For years I’ve been enjoying Dale Ralph Davis’ books on the Old Testament: he’s so perceptive, and so easy and enjoyable to read.  But now he’s written an exposition of Luke.  I found it a genuine page-turner: he’s so careful to bring out what’s there, explaining it with the knowledge of a scholar and applying it with the heart of a pastor.  He’s also more enjoyable (and sometimes amusing) to read than any Bible commentator I know.  A great companion for holiday, or a few weeks of quiet times. 

– Alasdair Paine 

Extraordinary Hospitality

Carolyn Lacey

This book is a challenge to reach out to people in the way that Jesus does, with generosity and persistence . At no point does the author guilt trip the reader, but with honesty and Biblical truth persuades and encourages other person centred hospitality in all sorts of ways. 

I Loved it!

– Rachel Paine 


Time For Everything

Matt Fuller

Does life feel busy? Not sure who, what or how to prioritise?  How can we think about fitting-in things like family and church, when work, sleep and socialising take up most of our time? When life is busy, and time feels short, how do we make wise decisions about what to prioritise? What does it look like to trust, and honour, God with our time? 

This is a book which genuinely helps with these questions – both practically as we think through different areas of life; and spiritually as it helps lift our eyes to the Lord who is infinite, trustworthy, wise and loving, and helps us long to serve him with all of our time.

– Becca Nicholl