Beyond StAG
Occasionally we’re made aware of opportunities with Christian organisations with whom we have some links. See below for more details.
Forming a Christian Mind Conference

Forming a Christian Mind conference is for postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers and academics
Speakers: Prof Karen Coats, Prof Bradley G. Green, Prof Cecilia Brassett, Dr Zachary Ardern
Tickets: £5 (students), £10 (non-students),
How can we be good teachers, colleagues and pastoral mentors, in light of our Christian understanding of what it means to be human? The way we carry out those responsibilities can be shaped primarily by the default in our particular department. But how can we let Scripture, and specifically an evangelical understanding of what it means to be human, shape our interactions with others in the university?
How does that view of the human impact our view of teaching, the way we relate to our supervisors, and how we navigate departmental politics? And how can we also make use of opportunities in our everyday professional academic work to share the gospel with our colleagues and students?
Join us for this and more at the Forming a Christian Mind Spring Conference, which will continue our theme for this academic year of ‘Exploring the Human’, through plenary lectures, Q&A, and discipline-specific workshops.
Celebrating 75 Years of Narnia at the Round Church

C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe continues to be treasured by readers and viewers of all ages. To celebrate 75 years since its publication, Life in the Round invites you to the Round Church on Monday 3 March at 7:30pm as, beginning in C.S. Lewis’s homeland of Ireland, we trace the journey of his imagination through the wonders of song, speech, and story.
Through three short evangelistic reflections, we will explore how Lewis depicts the reconciliation and restoration found in ‘the true myth’, the greatest story of all. The evening will feature performances from Sophia Abraham on the Celtic harp, and close with conversation over Turkish delight, cheese, and wine. Please come along and invite your friends to this special event!
Cambridge Apologetics: Reaching the Heart

Christian apologetics has traditionally focused on answering rational challenges to Christian truth claims. However, as cultural conversation increasingly acknowledges, it may be the heart and the affections that have the greatest influence on our day-to-day life and decision making. How might this understanding of knowledge, and the important role played by subjective experience, shape our approach to apologetics?
Jesus Lane Trust 40th Anniversary Celebration

The Jesus Lane Trust has provided funding and prayer support for the StAG student ministry over the past 40 years.
Everyone is welcome to come along and give thanks for all the Lord has done through this ministry during that time!
There will be a celebration lunch happening on Sunday 22nd June at 1pm after the 11.30am service.
Save the date and sign up for the lunch.
Keswick Convention 2025

Have you thought about attending Keswick Convention next summer?
Join with thousands of believers in worship to our God in the beautiful setting of the Lake District.
At Keswick Convention 2025, as we celebrate 150 years of Keswick Ministries, we will be exploring the truths of the Bible through our theme Transformed:
- We are transformed: Jesus Christ has delivered us from darkness to light, freeing us from the clutches of evil, and guaranteeing our future with him.
- We will be transformed: One day, we will be presented before God’s throne, faultless and full of joy; made pure, beautiful and stain-free.
- We are being transformed: The power of sin is broken, and the penalty paid, but we still battle with its ongoing presence. We curve inwards, forget who we are in Christ and live for ourselves instead. And yet God continues to work through us.
Keswick Convention offers a varied programme to encourage you in your walk with the Lord, and space in the afternoon to appreciate his creation and all that Keswick and the surrounding area has to offer.
- Morning and Evening sessions
- Kids and Youth Programme
- 19 – 24s Programme
- Count Everyone In for adults with learning disabilities (Week 1)
- Keswick Unconventional Arts Programme (Week 3)
There’s no charge to attend, as funding is through donations. All you need to do is book your accommodation and come along! More details can be found at or you can email